We offer all necessary vaccinations for both dogs and cats. Up-to-date immunizations are vital for protecting your pet from disease.
*These requirements may vary based on age or individual health issues.
Visit 1: (6 weeks of age, or previously unvaccinated)
Distemper (DHPP) +/- Leptospira (DHLPP) Booster #1
Optional: Bordetella, Intranasal
Fecal Testing for Internal Parasites/De-worming
Visit 2: (9 weeks of age, or 3 weeks later)
Distemper (DHPP) +/- Leptospira (DHLPP) Booster #2
Optional: Lyme Booster (Series of 2)
Optional: Canine Influenza (Series of 2)
Visit 3: (12 weeks of age, or 3 weeks later)
Distemper (DHPP) +/- Leptospira (DHLPP): Final booster, good for 1 year
Optional: Lyme Final Booster, good for 1 year
Optional: Canine Influenza, good for 1 year
RABIES: This vaccine can be given on either the third visit, or at 16 weeks of age. It is good for one year.
Maintenance Vaccines:
Distemper +/- Leptospira every 3 years
Rabies every 3 years
Optional: Lyme every year
Optional: Bordetella SQ every 6m-1 year (requirements vary by boarding facility or daycare)
Optional: Canine Influenza every year
*These requirements may vary based on age or individual health issues.
Visit 1: (6 weeks of age, or previously unvaccinated)
Feline Distemper Booster #1 (Series of 3)
Fecal Testing for Internal Parasites/De-Worming
Visit 2: (9 weeks of age, or 3 weeks later)
Feline Distemper Booster #2
Feline Leukemia Testing, Booster #1 optional if negative (Series of 2)
Feline Aids Testing
Visit 3: (12 weeks of age, or 3 weeks later)
Feline Distemper Final Booster, good for 1 year
Optional: Feline Leukemia Final Booster, good for 1 year
Rabies, good for 1 year
Maintenance Vaccines:
Rabies every 1 or 3 years
Feline Distemper every 3 years
Optional: Feline Leukemia every year
You may schedule an appointment online or by calling our hospital during business hours at (804) 353-4491